Studio Stina Studio Stina

Five things you, as a beauty provider, need to have on your website!

Creating an irresistible beauty salon website is not just about showcasing your salon's unique style and services; it's about crafting an online experience that draws in old and new clients and keeps them coming back for more! 🌟 Whether you're a chic hairstylist, an avant-garde salon, or a cozy beauty nook, here are five must-have elements for your website that scream professional, fun, and savvy:

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Studio Stina Studio Stina

“I don’t need a website because…”

A Professional Insight into Common Misconceptions

Ever heard the digital age equivalent of 'I don't need to lock my door; I have nothing to steal'? Yep, it's the 'I don't need a website because...' line. 🚪🔓 Let's bust some myths and maybe even a few digital ghosts while we're at it. 👻🔨

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Studio Stina Studio Stina

Beyond the Before-and-After: Crafting a Social Media Mane-ifesto for Salons

In the wild world of social media, where everyone's mane game needs to shine brighter than a freshly laminated lock, salons have a golden (or should we say, platinum blonde?) opportunity to captivate and engage. Sure, showcasing your transformative cuts, colors, and curls through before-and-after photos is the bread and butter of salon social media – but why stop there when you can be the whole breakfast buffet? Let's, though, base on a few outside-the-box ways to use social media that will have your salon basking in the spotlight.

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